Investing in Me, Myself, and I: You Are Your Best Asset

Look, if you’re not investing in yourself, you’re just sitting on your ass, watching potential dollars fly right out the window. As a solopreneur, your brain and your ability to hustle are your most lucrative assets. Let’s cut through the bullshit and talk about why pouring into your own development isn’t just smart—it’s essential for stacking cash and smashing goals.

Why Investing in Yourself Pays Off Big Time

You’re the MVP of Yyour business. No you, no business. Simple as that. Every skill you learn, every bit of knowledge you gain, is a direct deposit into your business’s success bank.

Stay sharp or get dull. The market doesn’t care about your comfort zone. It rewards the bold, the sharp, the constantly evolving. Stay ahead, or get left behind—it’s your call.

Prime Areas to Pump Your Dollars and Time Into

Master your craft. Whether it’s coding, copywriting, or selling—become so good they can’t ignore you. A sharp mind needs a strong body. Hit the gym, meditate, eat right. High performance requires you in top form, physically and mentally. Stress is a killer; it dulls your edge. Investing in your mental health keeps you in the game and out of the gutter.

Strategies for Maximum Growth

Set goals that stretch you. Comfort zones are for the complacent. Set goals that make you stretch, reach, and grow. Learning is earning.: Books, courses, workshops—get on them. The more you learn, the more you earn. Period. 

And remember, feedback is your friend. Yeah, it might sting. But feedback is the breakfast of champions. Eat it up, get better, and come back stronger.

Measuring the ROI of Your Development

Know this … feeling good about your progress can be as telling as any metric. More satisfaction generally means you’re on the right track.

Are you getting faster, smarter, more efficient? Measure it. If not, adjust fire. What’s the word on the street about you and your services? Positive changes in customer feedback are a clear indicator that your investment is paying off. 

Overcoming the Bullshit

Time Management: Time’s your most precious resource. Manage it like your life depends on it—because, guess what, your business does.

Financial Investment: Yes, it costs money. No, it’s not wasted. View it as planting seeds for a harvest that pays back tenfold.


Investing in yourself is the most badass move you can make. It’s about betting on your ability to be the game-changer in your life and business. Don’t just spend on yourself—invest with intention and watch as both you and your business reach new heights.

Think it’s time to level up? Start now. Pick one area for personal growth and dive in. The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago; the second-best time is today. For more unfiltered advice on killing it as a solopreneur, keep hitting up our blog.

Picture of Chris Hanna

Chris Hanna

The All-In Solopreneur | Building a portfolio of 1-person business, which includes Consulting, Video Content Creation, Leadership Coaching, Speaking, and Hiring.