The Chris Hanna Show: Behind the Scenes of Building a Podcast

So, you want the real scoop on what it takes to run a kick-ass podcast that entertains and dominates? Welcome to the behind-the-scenes world of The Chris Hanna Show. It’s more than just hitting record and babbling about what’s trending. It’s about crafting a show that hits hard, delivers value, and makes the audience beg for more.

Finding Your Niche

First things first: carving out your niche. The podcast world is a freaking ocean, and without a clear direction, you’ll just be floating around aimlessly. The Chris Hanna Show didn’t become a hit by accident. We zeroed in on solopreneurship, using poker strategies in business, and the highs and lows of betting on yourself. Identify what you’re passionate about and what you can talk about for days without losing steam. That’s your goldmine.

Planning Like a Pro

This isn’t amateur hour. Every top-rated podcast out there is running on a well-oiled plan. We plan our episodes like a general plans a battle. What’s the goal? Who’s the target? How do we hit ’em where it counts? We map out episodes in advance, from topics to guests, ensuring every minute is packed with content that’s engineered to engage.

Tech Setup That Doesn’t Suck

You think your listeners want to stick around for shitty audio? Hell no. Invest in solid mics, reliable mixing gear, and software that won’t bail on you mid-session. Poor sound quality is the first thing that’ll send your listeners to someone else’s podcast.

Marketing the Hell Out of Your Show

If you’re not pushing your podcast on every social platform, are you even trying? Use social media, SEO tricks, and good old networking to get your podcast in front of as many eyeballs as possible. And keep that content consistent — if your listeners know when to expect new episodes, they’re more likely to tune in.

Making Money Off Your Mic

Let’s talk cash. Your podcast isn’t just a passion project; it’s a potential money maker. Sponsorships, merch, exclusive content — these are your bread and butter. Hook sponsors by showing them your listener stats and engagement rates. They want to play in your field? They gotta pay to play.


Running The Chris Hanna Show isn’t for the faint-hearted. It’s for the hustlers, the movers, the shakers. It’s more than just a podcast; it’s a brand, a staple for anyone who’s all-in on making their mark. So, if you’re ready to roll up your sleeves and dive into the podcasting world, take these cues from our playbook and set the airwaves on fire.

Fired up to start your own podcast or elevate your current gig? Pull out your notepad, jot down your battle plan, and get ready to make some noise. Dive deeper into our episodes for more badass tips and unstoppable content.

Picture of Chris Hanna

Chris Hanna

The All-In Solopreneur | Building a portfolio of 1-person business, which includes Consulting, Video Content Creation, Leadership Coaching, Speaking, and Hiring.